58 of them to be exact, and some of them are very cool: cursive, Paleo-Hebrew, fonts mimicking the writing style of particular Dead Sea Scrolls, etc. They are available here, via the Open Siddur Project. See the bottom of the linked page for installation instructions and examples of the fonts. From the Open Siddur page:

To aid in the dissemination of free/libre Hebrew fonts, the Open Siddur Project now offers, gratis, a FONT PACK. Fifty-eight free/libre and open source licensed, Unicode Hebrew fonts, ready to install. Enjoy them. Share them. Learn from them. Modify them.

6 fonts supporting the full set of diacritical marks (vowels/nikkud and cantillation/ta’amim).
11 fonts supporting niqud (w/out ta’amim)
42 fonts (not intended for use with niqud)
1 font of dingbats
7 Non-Hebrew Open Source Unicode Fonts

They should work on a Mac or PC. If you already have a unicode Hebrew keyboard installed, you don’t need to install the one that comes with the font pack. The fonts will work just fine with your current keyboard. I use Logos’ keyboards.

SBL Hebrew font is also unicode compliant and available here; the font license is only slightly more restrictive. Tyndale House’s Ezra SIL and Cardo fonts are nice as well (Cardo is especially nice for Greek). Tyndale House’s fonts are included in the Open Siddur font pack, or you can download them here.

Keep in mind that some of these files download as compressed (zipped) folders. After the zipped folder has downloaded, you have to right click it and click “extract all.” When the files are extracted, look for the actual font file (usually a .ttf file). Drag and drop that file into your system’s font folder (usually labeled “Fonts”). I added this folder to my “Favorites” in Windows Explorer for easy access.

If you are a part of the SBTS community and want more information about how to type in Greek and Hebrew, contact the Center for Student Success about the upcoming 1-day workshop “Word Processing for Biblical Studies.” It is currently scheduled for Friday, September 7, 1:00-3:00pm. It will be two hours long (1 hour, break, one hour), and those who attend will be split into two groups based on what operating system you use. I will be leading the workshop for the handful of you that use Windows computers; Jonathan Kiel will lead the workshop for Mac peeps. More info to come.

10 responses to “Free Unicode Hebrew Fonts”

  1. Reblogged this on Zwinglius Redivivus and commented:Nice!

  2. thanks for sharing this brian

  3. My pleasure. Thanks for passing it on!

  4. I would like to have font of Hebrew. So how do i do?
    Please help me?

  5. You need to download and install a unicode Hebrew keyboard like the one linked to hereTo use these fonts in a word processor like Microsoft Word:
    (1) switch your keyboard from English to Hebrew, (2) switch your font to one of the unicode fonts linked to here, (3) type away.

  6. Adina Hirschmann

    News for Android Users (2.2 and up)
    I discovered that all the Hebrew Unicode fonts work on my LG Optimus Slider. Anysoft Keyboard-Hebrew Language Pack is one app that makes them render on the small screen. So long as you use an app where you can use your own fonts. Best thing also about Anysoft is that it also maps to the hardware (physical slideout) keyboard on phones and devices so equipped. Still trying to figure out where the dagesh marks are, but it was a pleasant surprise to find that all my Windows computer fonts can be used with my little Android phone.

  7. Adina Hirschmann

    UPDATE: Since my photo app, PicSay Pro, started accepting user-installed fonts, I can use them for titling my pictures, as well as creating graphics. One caveat—the developers haven’t enabled right-to-left support as yet, so you have to type your words in reverse. They still look nice. I will keep trying other apps to see how Hebrew works with them and report back periodically. A new frontier has opened…

  8. Avigail

    The niqud was working and suddenly ceased. Now I get English capitals when I press SHIFT. I have tried various applications (Publisher, MSWord, OpenOfficeDraw), different fonts, and opening the various things in different orders. Also rebooting. No success. What am I doing wrong?
    Thank you,

  9. Avigail

    Well, now it is working, by some serendipitous combination of seemingly random alt-shifts. But if anyone knows under what exact conditions this can be avoided, I’d be thankful.